We are excited to be hosting this fascinating lecture on October 21st:
The Dragon Chasing the Horse - Or Was It the Other Way Around?” by Drs. Koos de Jong, of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Presented by Portland Area Rug Society at Christiane Millinger Oriental Rugs and Textiles. Open to the public.
Koos de Jong has recently published an extensive study of the history of saddle textiles in his new book, Dragon & Horse. Saddle Rugs and Other Horse Tack from China and Beyond, and his talk will focus on “saddle rugs,” i.e., under- and top-saddle rugs, saddle flaps and horse-blankets, made of felt, flat-woven textiles, leather, and pile-knotted wool, silk and cotton. He will also discuss how saddle rugs can be properly dated and ascribed to their place of origin. The lecture is based on the outcome of the author’s research into representations of saddle rugs in Chinese painting and sculpture as well as in the applied arts. However, this talk will also answer some urgent questions, like: How “Chinese” are these rugs?; and it will deal with the results of ongoing research. Drs. De Jong invites PARS members to bring examples of Chinese and Tibetan saddle rugs for show & tell at the program.